# How I dynamically theme my site (outdated) on Saturday January 1st, 2022

I just synced my website theme with my desktop theme. For my desktop theme I use pywal to generate awesome palettes from wallpapers. You can see my config here. Today I decided to make my website theme also update when I change my desktop theme with pywal.

First of all I synced the colors.css file generated by pywal with the colors.css file I use in my website using rsync:

 rsync --checksum ~/.cache/wal/colors.css ~/Desktop/website/css/

Then I used inotifywait to automatically push to GitHub on file change:

 inotifywait -q -m -e CLOSE_WRITE --format="git commit -m 'auto commit' %w && git push origin master" * | bash

Aaaaand that's basically it... Quite a short post but I think this is really cool and interesting.

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